Why obesity is rife!
Despair kicked in today as I was waiting in the bakery and a mother in child in front of me had the following conversation:
Mother: I’ll get you a carrot cake
Child: Aww no, I don’t want carrot cake. I want a doughnut.
Mother: You can’t have a doughnut. I’m not going to buy you anything with sugar in!
Is it no wonder obesity rates have soared? Where do you start?? Note that this lady was actually very well dressed and spoke ‘right proper like’ (kidding) – no, she really DID speak in intelligible English and she was obviously trying to make an effort and do something ‘right’ for her child!!
Where did it all go so horribly wrong?
p.s. Another wee gem I heard this morning … Somebody asked ‘How much wheat is there in a banana?’
*sigh* I rest my case …