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Small stone 25-1-2012

Sounds of Grieg gently probe each nook and corner of the room, surprised occasionally by the intermittent percussive snoring of the Golden, stretched out and dreaming; ever-so-light rhythmic clunking noises emanate from upstairs, evidence of a boy’s piano practice, headphones on; no pings or crashes, thumps or yells, not even a voice … Home … in the middle of a deep sigh.

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Took a wrong turn on Friday night. It’s now Tuesday and the downhill is getting steeper and steeper. Crap! Just spotted a ramp at the bottom and the speed at which I’m heading towards it is more than a little hair-raising. Bracing myself for a big fall! Hope to God there’s a pile of something useful to land on. A trampoline would be nice … the bounce back up would be easy, but I think I’m kidding myself. More likely going to be a big pile of poo … sounds about...

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No toys left in my cot …

Who says toddlers are the only ones who have tantrums? I can proudly – or not so proudly – lay claim to a massive tantrum yesterday morning. It was so bad I couldn’t even bring myself to blog yesterday. I swear I must have thrown every single toy out of my cot!! Luckily it was a seafront cot … nobody else around, which meant there was no-one else in the firing line. Lucky for them lol So I’ve been struggling with what I think is a most undeserved injury and it’s...

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Naughty magic!

It was tough getting up this morning. The trouble with being really careful with one’s nutrition and training plentifully (is that a word???), is that as soon as one is invited for dinner the result is a complete and utter MESS!! Or is it?? It was ba-a-a-a-a-a-d!! I mean, I was full from the ‘nibbles’. The meal hadn’t even started!! Not good, eh? But, I have a rule that’s a very personal one – not one that would particularly suit anybody else. I don’t...

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Who’d have thought that four letters could make the difference between a good workout and a great workout? Oh, how feeble we are. I find it absorbingly fascinating how easily our brains can decide what we should and shouldn’t do … and how easily it can be told to shut up and get a grip just as soon as we’re aware of what it’s doing. The human brain … well, mine at least … has got to be the worst-behaved, illogical and self-destructive bundle of tissue...

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