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Small stone 2-1-2012

There’s a sense of organised bedlam in the kitchen. The smoke stampedes out of the oven and heads for the fire alarm. I pull out the tray to access the sizzling fare. A teenager laughs from across the room, comments ‘Wow! Look at that row of sausages!’ It’s pretty impressive, actually – thirty-four sausages plus bacon plus … I’m smiling through the chaos, doing well, catering for an unexpected extra four hungry kids for New Year’s Day brunch. Brunch...

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Time to take up 2012!

Yes, 2011 is coming to a close and folk are talking in terms of resolutions again. Now, most people have just about given up on New Year resolutions – and I’m not surprised. What a negative start to something so positive. Talking about ‘giving up’ a whole bunch of favourite habits (allbeit undesirable ones?) at the beginning of a brand new and exciting year is like slamming the door on Hope before it’s even started! Why oh why do we have to ‘give up’ stuff?...

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Where to begin? So …….. here I am. Back in Brighton and enjoying the filthy weather outside (not). And now it’s time to try and blog my experience – Argh! I can’t decide whether it’s the fact that my writing is so crap or the fact that perhaps words – any words – will be fairly ineffectual in my efforts to portray my ten days in Rajasthan but I’ll go with the latter, simply because it makes me feel better. I’m unsure whether my blogging will also suffer as a consequence of not having been able...

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It’s here. Day SEVEN. End of my mini nunchuck experiment. Time for assessment ………….. Now – first of all, kindly note that this is a SELF-assessment! Unfortunately, this is the way it’s going to stay for now. I know, I know, but even after 3000+ attempts at improvement …. I’m ashamed to say my nunchuck skills are as yet unfit for public viewing! *cue sobbing* But then again ………… please please PLEASE remember that when you DO see my horrendously insulting nunchucking (with apologies to anyone who...

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DAY SIX of my journey second to nun…chuck!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Well, before I go any further can I first please apologise to Caitriona for laughing at her nunchuck skills! I mean, really – me? Laughing at somebody else’s nunchucking??? BWAHAHAHAHA! OK! Absurd. I admit it. And besides, it was the first time she’d held them, let alone tried to swing them. Sadly, although it pains me to say …. My current skills after ALL this practising – are not much better than hers! BUT …………… forever onwards, right? So … today’s plan: Same old, same old PLUS...

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DAY FIVE of my journey second to nun…chuck

Loving it, loving it, loving it … I have a new friends. Well, sort of. No, we’re not going to move in together and – actually, I think the pair of them are quite bossy and don’t do things quite the way I like things to be done – but we get along. We’ve grown to tolerate each other to some extent and that will do just fine. I’m working out a way to blackmail them into good behaviour during my next karate grading, whenever that might be. I’m not sure they’re liking the idea of blackmail – I’m going...

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