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The path to Betterdom!

The flag’s gone up and thousands of inspirational, motivated and committed thrill-seekers tumble towards the start line signalling the launch of Michelle Bridges’  2012 12wbt programme Round 1. Today,  the first pre-season task has been opened up. It seems so basic, so simple – but I’m reminded of something I’ve been telling my clients over and over for the past months:  A dream will always be a dream until you write it down. Then it becomes a goal! I love this idea...

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All the Ks: Kettle bells, Karate + Kilometres + Kickboxing

After the disappointment of knees giving in at the first hurdle, things are looking up – and looking ‘up’ is about all I am able to do today, since ‘standing’ up appears to be out of the question – well, not without a lot of old-lady moaning and groaning. Ouch, but everything hurts now … all in a more or less good way, though. My kettlebell half-hour of two days ago has caught up with me – the swings, the lunges, the squats, shoulder presses, snatches...

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