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My first ultramarathon – The Oscars speech …

The Oscars bit … Yep. Not letting it go without a few thanks because truth be told I would NEVER have started, much less finished, this challenge without the help of a few (although if I’m honest I probably took your names in vain once or twice on Saturday??) lol Karim … cannot believe, much less relay to others, the amount of support, commitment to my training and confidence in my ability that you’ve poured forth in the last two months; and for being the most amazing support crew on the day!...

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Amanda’s Save-the-Day Flapjacks!

Makes:  ONE REALLY BIG ONE lol … Sort it out yourself afterwards!   300g butter 60g soft brown sugar (optional – according to taste: add more coconut or raisins instead … or sweeten with agave nectar) 50g dessicated coconut 50g ground almonds 50g raisins (optional) 100g chopped mixed nuts 125g self-raising flour (wholemeal or spelt) 175g porridge oats Good handful of mixed seeds   Melt the butter. Chuck everything in – except the seeds. Use lightly sprayed baking sheet...

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For ref: Backpack and Drop bag contents

Note: This is for personal reference only!! God knows but the contents hereinafter will possibly shock and appal the seasoned ultra-runner. Let me re-emphasize the fact that I had NO idea what I was doing or what was in store. I’m keeping this and will add notes as and when I acquire useful (and knowledgeable) titbits of information from the pros. Having said that, it kind of worked for me so it can’t be too far out. ON MY BACK AT THE START LINE: OMM backpack … tried, tested and I love it! I use...

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12wbt – The Blog Hop Overture

OK, I have NO idea if this is going to work, but gotta try. In case there’s a miracle hanging around, it’s HELLO from me, Amanda a.k.a. Symphony and many thanks to Kate at for the idea, the organisation and the instructions! I’m joining 12wbt from the UK. I’m in the 40-50 category and all too soon to be joining the Geriatric Category (September lol)! I’m a Personal Trainer, I specialise in outdoor group circuits and kickboxing. I’ve...

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Happy days are here again, la-la-la-la-lah …

Oh yes! Happy days indeed! Gosh, you just don’t realise how much you miss something until it’s not there any more. The last month has been such a battle with my knees, it’s been really hard, but worth the time I’ve taken being so strict on myself – absolutely no running for two weeks and then a really slow build-up of run-specific training – and finally, this last week I’ve enjoyed something more than walking! Started on a treadmill crawling at a walk...

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And we’re off …

And it’s all looking GOOD!! Interview yesterday was interesting – mostly information-gathering. Formal interview to come (she hopes!). More later on that … For now, though, well, things are looking up (and it all ties in perfectly with 12wbt kick-off). My wonderfully amazing acupuncturist cheered me up no end yesterday when I was whining because my knees simply can’t decide which one is the troublemaker! You know what he said? He said ‘The switching of ‘trouble’...

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Pre-Season Organisation Task

Right! It’s here – time to get seriously organised. I’m getting a bit scared now, although I’m not sure why because there is nothing hugely frightening about the task. I’m already a planner and a Queen of List-making. I have so many notebooks lying around where I plan weekly meals and my shopping and I have workout log books and running log books, training plans and lots of mini goals …. so why the nerves? Actually, at the time of writing I’m thinking...

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There are no problems, only challenges

Ooooo it’s getting close to kick-off and I’ve had a much better week than last week. The challenges (did I tell you that I am NOT doing ‘problems’ this year??) are being tackled and I’ve managed to turn my mindset around and it’s going well. Challenge No. 1 … No running?  Well, after going nuts not being able to run for supposedly two weeks, I ‘almost’ made it to the end, but the pull was just a little too much but I’m ultra proud of...

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Rollercoaster Week!

Up, Down, Stress, Screaming, Upside Down, Excitement (ok, let’s not push it!), Round in Circles, Relief, End up back at the beginning. Rollercoasters! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I’ll jump out of a plane any day, but please don’t ask me to get on a rollercoaster! Ever again! This week has come close to the feeling I get when I see a rollercoaster, although at least on the playground ride I can shut my eyes.  I tried to shut my eyes sometime Wednesday, tripped over the dog, bashed my elbow...

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Pre-Season Kitchen Clear-Out Task

OUCH!!! I just received a very hard *smack* from Mish and I never even saw it coming, although I should’ve guessed, – my fault for watching the task ‘video’ too late. See, I saw the ‘makeover’ headline and guessed more or less what it was about and I’ve put it off for a few days … The last two days have been BA-A-A-A-A-D, to say the least, so it didn’t surprise me too much when I went to clear a few things out of my fridge and realised my aim...

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